Thursday, June 5, 2008

Stop the madness!

It is with glee, gratitude and gladness in my heart that I plead with you to STOP THE MADNESS! After today's mail call, the Triscuit Total (just the unopened boxes, not the ones we've already plowed through) stands at 12. There are officially 14 cans of Easy Cheese still waiting to be consumed. I have Goober in grape AND strawberry. And I have lost count of the vast number of Hostess products that have past through my hands (and lips!). There are cookies and candies, cakes and cards. There are lotions and potions and even an inflatable beach ball!

The contributions to SAIA have come from far and wide. Leigh in Italy tracked down Chewy Runts and endured looks of disdain from a Shoppette cashier (you work at the SHOPPETTE - are you REALLY in a position to look down on someone?) when she bought out their stock. Michelle, who is in the middle of a PCS move, bought out the commissary's pastry aisle just to have her "badass kids" (her words, not mine) eat the cache before she could mail it. She found a Conoco and a CVS and was able to pull it together, though!

I have gotten contributions from people I've never met - Cindy's Aunt Cindy in Pa., for example, made sure my diet NEVER gets back on track. Ian's wonderful girlfriend, Aubrey, has included a little something in each of her care packages that makes me smile. And there have been contributions FOR people you've never met (Cindy is stocked up on Swedish Fish for life - and she says thanks mom!) My parents sent (among other things) bacon cheese to add to the Tricuit goodness. Michele's mom (who has enough to worry about, as her own daughter is serving in Iraq right now) made sure I have what it takes to pamper myself (smell good lotions and pedicure stuff to last for months!). Scott's mom found a way to get homemade cookies here fresh and almost in one piece. Aaron sent Mother's Day cards and roasted garlic goodness with letters from my boys. Rick sent his own Mother's Day love in the form of more calories than I have a right to eat this year... And the list goes on. So, to all those I've mentioned (and those of you I haven't) - THANK YOU!!!!!

My entire office loves you and you have made sure I am smiling during each and every mail call (which are not many, but I ALWAYS have something to look forward to). But we're out of space (both in the office and in our pants!). I no longer need to walk to the chow hall for meals because I have enough packaged, processed, preserved foods to endure a large nuclear holocaust. I honestly laugh with each and every box that comes in. I feel more loved and thought about than I ever thought possible.

Many of you have told me I'm in your prayers. For that, thank you! Just knowing that helps me to sleep much better at night. Honestly!

We're halfway there! I'm five days away from hitting double digits. I am trying not to count days, so I'm counting more manageable milestones. Right now I have seven rotators, eight paydays and 16 Malaria Meds left until I can have REAL Mexican food (chips and salsa here I come!!!).

Thank you again for all your love and support. I really appreciate all you've done to make me smile day in and day out. Please keep the e-mails coming and I'll post new photos as soon as SOMETHING happens that is worth blogging about. And please keep me in your thoughts as I head to the gym to undo the damage of the past six weeks. And if you're looking to send love in the form of tangible gifts, I can always send you the link to my Vickie's wish list!


Anonymous said...

Whew I was wondering where you were. Welcome back blogger!

Nancy said...

Kati, You are very welcome. I talked to Michele today and she told me how excited you were to open the box. I said I hoped the flipflops fit and she says, "She'll make them fit, they're PINK!" lol Anyway, hope the time passes really quick for you! If you need anything, please write! Nancy